Tuesday 22 April 2008

First post, objectives.

First post.

This is my first venture into blogging myself, so I hope this goes well. This blog exists because I have things to say.

Firstly, I am a Christian, an American, and in most ways a social conservative. The first two have always been true, but the latter changed from the more liberal views I once had. This gives me my own perspective though - I can see Christian Conservatives as their opponents do, and realise when they do stupid things. Things for which they are rightly mocked, and which they are unable to see as mistaken because of their desire to believe themselves right.

Take, for example, abstinance education. This is a good thing, but Christians in politics continually try to approach it from the practical angle - trying to claim that condoms do not work. This will fail, because it is based on a lie - condoms do work, very well, and comprensive sex ed if properly implimented really can lead to a situation in which unwanted pregnency and the spread of STIs are reduced to a very low level. Christians who promote abstinance as a solution to those problems are only diverting attention from the real need for it - morality. They do this because they cannot accept that sex education is a choice between a country with few STIs and very rare unwanted pregnency but a wave of immorality, adultery, premarital sex, teen sex and all manner of uncontrolled lust and a country in which there is little lust sweeps across everyone, urging them into school orgys before they are sixteen - or a country where most people are respectful and faithful, but in which those who are not will always be suffering the consequences. In seeking the best of both, people have been drawn into a delusion where they can have the best of both worlds - and when comprehensive sex ed proponents see that delusion, they reject all that those who so proudly proclaim it have to say.

That is one example. I believe that if Christians cannot realise how silly they look to outsiders, they can never earn the respect they need to be listened to - and without respect, their only hope of influence is dirty political tricks, which is hardly a Godly way to spread Christ's lessons.


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